• 2024-09-19 3:05 AM


A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations.

Are Aliens Friendly, ‘Evil’ or both!?

  • I am wondering what is your opinion on NHI/aliens regarding us? My opinion has always been they are friendly, given that they have disabled our nukes and could easily wipe us out if they wanted.
  • The reason I’m asking is because I recently came across John Mack’s work with abductees and while most were not harmed, others claimed they were treated the way we would when experimenting on an animal. Tales of implants up the nose and all sorts. Maybe they do see us like we see animals like cattle.
  • Then there is the letter that John Lear wrote (I meant to include it but it’s a bit long, maybe a 10/15 min read but worth it) I’m it he states the US government made a deal with aliens of some sort, I don’t think he mentioned greys or anything just aliens. He claims the government were aware of the sightings and had heard of abduction (think this was early 50s) and so they made a deal that the aliens could continue to abduct people in exchange for technology, and also because they couldn’t stop them anyway. Lear seemed sympathetic to them, tough situation to be in lol. He also went on to describe the cattle mutilations etc but he said that the aliens need us for some biological reason that goes beyond examining us, stating they need is for some reason to aid in their biological development. If true, couldn’t the aliens just harvest us all! Or even clone us etc? You would think that you’d hear much more abduction stories if it was a case of (potential) life and death for them.
  • Then there is the whole Reptilian/Archons prison planet story. Obviously if true I would describe these entities as evil, preying on our negative emotions, promoting constant wars and recycling our souls when we die instead of letting us pass on, so that they can continue the cycle.
  • To end on a positive note, there is the incredible and very moving story of Chris Bledsoe! Chris had Chrons disease and was out hunting one day with his teenage son and some friends. He wandered off and spotted a UFO over a hill. Long story short, there was missing time, his son experienced it also and basically had PTSD after from the shock and fright. Chris claims when he got home there were Greys at his house, his son was freaking out and so Chris grabbed a gun and went out. When he did he encountered two small greys and he was overcome with shame for wanting to hurt them (he was a hunter and now has a hugely improved appreciation for all life he says). When he finally told people of his encounter his family was basically ostracised as he was a deacon on the church and everyone said he was in contact with demons. But anyway, Chris had other encounters and his disease vanished from the first one and they have apparently healed other people that come to his property- for some reason they seem super drawn to him, he posts daily videos of orbs on his property! His story is incredible and certainly what he encountered was very benevolent. I HIGHLY recommend anyone interested in this crappy brief description of his story to watch him on the Danny Jones podcast on YouTube! It is EXCELLENT and very moving, I came away with a totally different perspective on aliens/NHI. I bought his book UFO of GOD and can’t wait to read it. I should also mention that a number of big names became involved in Chris’ story and even they think he is exceptional. Some of those were Hal Putoff and Colonel John Alexander, they became friends. Chris’ brain was studied and there are changes they attributed to the contact, he can basically summon the orbs and when he does his brain waves are apparently similar to those of a zen monk in meditation!
  • So! Long post and could be much longer! I tried to be brief and pick some things that contradict. So, are greys the friendly creatures Chris and others have met or are they anal probing things to be avoided? Lol I certainly believe there are different types visiting earth or perhaps even living here, and could have been here all the time, much longer than us. But if they wanted to wipe is out a simple biological weapon would do the job and preserve the earth. And surely they can clone us so I am undecided on if I believe they have harmed abductees. But it’s hard to argue with John Mack. John was also involved in the Zimbabwean school incident – where the children saw a craft land and two greys telepathically communicated with the children warnings of the dangers of technology and destroying the earth. I think we’d agree this again was very positive contact! Those children have not changed there stories and many went on to professions that were influenced by this incident.
  • Any thoughts? Maybe our concepts of good and evil shouldn’t apply even but I hope you know what I mean , as in willing to harm us, wanting to harm us, possibly harvesting negative emotions and stirring shit on earth and recycling of souls, or are they trying to help humanity 👽🛸❤️🙏

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